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Heartwarming stories of community support after a tragic event.

In mythology, the phoenix, a winged griffin-like creature, rises from the ashes as a symbol of renewal and the possibility of a fresh start. The phoenix certainly comes to mind when thinking about the tragic fire at American House Kentwood and those who were involved.

The fire occurred on Thursday, August 15, in the attic of a memory care building at American House Kentwood while a third-party HVAC company was conducting maintenance work. The timeline says it all. The fire happened on a Thursday. One building destroyed, another soon to be closed. That night, eight residents moved to the neighboring American House Jenison. By the following Wednesday, all 27 Kentwood residents were relocated and comfortable, the majority at American House Jenison, some at American House Holland.

Firefighting Heroes

The kindness, care and professionalism of the Kentwood firefighters left a lasting impression on everyone. So much so, the American House residents and team organized a trip to thank them personally. On Friday, September 13, a busload of residents traveled to Kentwood Firehouse #3, a location that had aided the community in the past.

Community Steps Up

Not only did the firefighters perform above and beyond, but the overwhelming response of the area population was astounding. Assistance came from everywhere; community family members, American House teams near and far, friends, neighbors—even other senior living companies stepped in to help! The outpouring of selflessness turned this tragic event into one that renews faith in humankind.

“Everyone came together and got to work to help our residents relocate. It makes me very proud to be part of a company like that,” Robin Moutray, American House Jenison CRD, said.

The residents’ loss of property was quickly addressed as relocation efforts went into full swing. Kari Barbo, the Business Office Manager at American House Jenison, initiated a game plan to ready the community for the incoming Kentwood residents. Within hours, comfortable apartments were created. Family members volunteered to build beds and set up rooms, while a nearby senior living community donated items of comfort for the incoming residents.

“People jumped in to help, doing what they had to do. From welcome signs, soaps and toiletries to blankets, everyone pitched in,” Moutray said. CareLinc was onsite with oxygen and other medical supplies and prescriptions were obtained. “From culinary to maintenance, it was really remarkable to see every group work in their lane to figure out what needed to be done to make a seamless transition for the incoming relocated residents,” said Moutray.

The Stories Keep Coming

As the residents are getting settled, the stories keep coming out. Like those residents who couldn’t get into American House Jenison and are now living on the campus of their dreams, in the building they wanted! Moutray added, “These past days have been hard emotionally, but it could’ve been such a different conversation. Everyone is safe, and we’re focusing on the good!”

One story touched everyone’s heart. Don Cass was in the process of relocating his wife into American House Jenison memory care. He was concerned about the distance he’d now have to travel in the winter. He asked about Honor Manor, the new veterans-only building on campus. When he saw the charming apartments and reasonable price, he welled up with tears. The Vietnam veteran could afford to live on the same campus as his wife, in a room that overlooked her building!

Out of the ashes of tragedy flies the phoenix, with beautiful outcomes, and people reaching new heights of grace.

We all have a story. A story that taught us something, changed us and helped define who we are. At American House, your next chapter is waiting to be written. We’re here to help you write it. Your way.

Written By

Lori Bender

Bringing over 20 years of writing experience to American House, Lori has worked in every aspect of advertising and produced award-winning websites. She earned a Journalism degree from Central Michigan University.

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